As the ‘holidays’ draw to a close on Sunday, home schooling begins again for many next Monday. My staff team will be sharing week weekly tasks to be completed at home. These will be on the class blogs (see below for links) each and Every Monday. This is of course guidance and provides meaningful tasks that will support you and more importantly the children’s learning.
We are suggesting that every ‘home school’ day children should complete:
• a daily physical activity (walk, run, bike ride or work out (e.g. Joe Wicks) following social distancing guidelines
• Daily reading – individual, reading with, read to, audiobook etc
• Daily mental maths (e.g. TT Rock stars, tables tests etc.)
• A daily maths lesson activity – see class blog – White Rose Hub lesson and follow up activity
• A daily English activity – see class blog
• And a topic/theme activity – see class blog
• A daily chore – e.g. cooking, cleaning, gardening, etc. - Your choice!